Safety Innovators: Safety+Health advertisers highlight their products and services for National Safety Month.
The HALD-24-1X100LED Hazardous Area LED Light Fixture is designed to provide operators with a powerful and energy-efficient alternative to traditional hazardous location luminaires. This explosion-proof fixture is a Class 1 Division 1 lay-in LED light panel with a T5 temperature rating. The LED assembly is protected by an aluminum framed polycarbonate door that provides direct front access to the internal components. The lamp housing is constructed of non-sparking aluminum.
Product information is provided by manufacturers. This publication has not independently tested manufacturers' products and cannot assume responsibility for the validity of product claims.
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Motivate Safety and Reduce Injuries Fast with Wearables
A Comprehensive Contractor Qualification Framework
Check Workplace Foot Safety Off Your List
Understanding and Meeting Your First Aid Obligations
Forklifts: Safe Operation and Training
Safety+Health magazine, published by the National Safety Council, offers comprehensive national coverage of occupational safety news and analysis of industry trends to more than 91,000 subscribers.
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